
  • * means equal contribution.

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Conference Publications


  • [IPDPS'25] Y. Kuang, L. Yan and Z. Li, "P3Forecast: Personalized Privacy-Preserving Cloud Workload Prediction based on Federated Generative Adversarial Networks", Proc. of IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing, June 3-7, 2025, Milan, Italy. (CCF-B 类会议,SCI 论文)
    Bibtex - Paper


  • [Big Data'21] J. Liu, L. Cheng, A. Sarker, L. Yan and R. A. Alo, "DeepTrack: An ML-based Approach to Health Disparity Identification and Determinant Tracking for Improving Pandemic Health Care", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Big Data, December 15-18, 2021, Online. (CCF-C 类会议,SCI 论文)
    Bibtex - Paper


  • [CIKM'20] C. Qiu, A. Squicciarini, Z. Li, C. Pang and L. Yan, "Time-Efficient Geo-Obfuscation to Protect Worker Location Privacy over Road Networks in Spatial Crowdsourcing", Proc. of ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, October 19-23, 2020, Online. (CCF-B 类会议,SCI 论文)
    Bibtex - Paper

  • [MASS'20] L. Yan, H. Shen, L. Kang, J. Zhao and C. Xu, "Reinforcement Learning based Scheduling for Cooperative EV-to-EV Dynamic Wireless Charging", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems, December 10-13, 2020, Delhi NCR, India. (CCF-C 类会议,SCI 论文)
    Bibtex - Paper - Slides - Shenzhen Dataset - Demo code

  • [MASS'20] L. Yan, H. Shen, L. Kang, J. Zhao and C. Xu, "CD-Guide: A Reinforcement Learning based Dispatching and Charging Approach for Electric Taxicabs", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems, December 10-13, 2020, Delhi NCR, India. (CCF-C 类会议,SCI 论文)
    Bibtex - Paper - Slides - Shenzhen Dataset

  • [ICDCS'20] L. Yan, S. Mahmud, H. Shen, N. Z. Foutz and J. Anton, "MobiRescue: Reinforcement Learning based Rescue Team Dispatching in a Flooding Disaster", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, July 8-10, 2020, Singapore. [acceptance rate: 18%] (CCF-B 类会议,SCI 论文)
    Bibtex - Paper - Slides - XMode Social Dataset

  • [ICDCS'20] L. Yan, H. Shen, L. Kang, J. Zhao and C. Xu, "MobiCharger: Optimal Scheduling for Cooperative EV-to-EV Dynamic Wireless Charging", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (Poster Session), July 8-10, 2020, Singapore. [acceptance rate: 18%] (CCF-B 类会议,SCI 论文)
    Bibtex - Paper - Shenzhen Dataset


  • [MASS'19] L. Yan and H. Shen, "Optimizing In-motion Wireless Charging Service Efficiency for Electric Vehicles: A Game Theoretic Approach", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Smart Systems, November 4-7, 2019, Monterey, CA, USA. [acceptance rate: 29%] (CCF-C 类会议,SCI 论文)
    Bibtex - Paper - Slides - Shenzhen Dataset

  • [ICCCN'19] L. Yan, S. Mahmud, H. Shen, N. Z. Foutz, D. E. Brown, W. Yusuf, D. Loftis, L. Lyons, J. L. Goodall and J. Anton, "MobiAmbulance: Optimal Scheduling of Emergency Vehicles in Catastrophic Situations", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks, July 29-August 1, 2019, Valencia, Spain. (Invited Paper) (CCF-C 类会议,SCI 论文)
    Bibtex - Paper - XMode Social Dataset


  • [UbiComp'18 (ACM IMWUT)] L. Yan, H. Shen, Z. Li, A. Sarker, J. A. Stankovic, C. Qiu, J. Zhao and C. Xu, "Employing Opportunistic Charging for Electric Taxicabs to Reduce Idle Time", Proc. of ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, October 8-12, 2018, Singapore. (CCF-A 类会议)
    Bibtex - Paper - Slides - Shenzhen Dataset


  • [IoTDI'17] L. Yan, H. Shen, and K. Chen, "MobiT: A Distributed and Congestion-Resilient Trajectory Based Routing Algorithm for Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks", Proc. of ACM/IEEE International Conference on Internet-of-Things Design and Implementation (Short Paper), April 18-21, 2017, Pittsburgh, USA. [acceptance rate: 23/52]
    Bibtex - Paper - Slides - Rome Taxicab - San Francisco Taxicab

  • [INFOCOM'17] L. Yan, H. Shen, J. Zhao, C. Xu, F. Luo and C. Qiu, "CatCharger: Deploying Wireless Charging Lanes in a Metropolitan Road Network through Categorization and Clustering of Vehicle Traffic", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, May 1-4, 2017, Atlanta, USA. [acceptance rate: 20.93%] ("Best-in-Session-Presentation Award") (CCF-A 类会议,SCI 论文)
    Bibtex - Paper - Slides - Shenzhen Dataset - Award


  • [ICNP'16] L. Yan, J. Zhao, H. Shen, C. Xu and F. Luo, "CatCharge: Deploying Wireless Charging Lane in Metropolitan Scale through Categorization and Clustering of Vehicle Mobility", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (Poster Session), November 8-11, 2016, Singapore. [acceptance rate: 29.1%] (CCF-B 类会议,SCI 论文)
    Bibtex - Paper - Poster

  • [MASS'16] L. Yan and H. Shen, "TOP: Vehicle Trajectory based Driving Speed Optimization Strategy for Travel Time Minimization and Road Congestion Avoidance", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Systems, October 10-13, 2016, Brasilia, Brazil. (CCF-C 类会议,SCI 论文)
    Bibtex - Paper - Slides - Rome Taxicab - San Francisco Taxicab

  • [IOV'16] L. Yan, H. Shen, S. Li and Y. Huang, "Electrical Vehicle Charging Station Placement Determination based on Real World Vehicle Trace", Proc. of International Conference on Internet of Vehicles, December 7-10, 2016, Nadi, Fiji.
    Bibtex - Paper - Slides - Rome Taxicab


  • [INFOCOM'15] L. Yan, H. Shen and K. Chen, "TSearch: Target-Oriented Low-Delay Node Searching in DTNs with Social Network Properties", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications, April 26-May 1, 2015, Hong Kong, China. [acceptance rate: 19%] (CCF-A 类会议,SCI 论文)
    Bibtex - Paper - Slides - DART - DNET

  • [SECON'15] L. Yan, K. Chen, H. Shen and G. Liu, "MobileCopy: Resisting Correlated Node Failures to Enhance Data Availability in DTNs", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking, June 22-25, 2015, Seattle, USA. [acceptance rate: 28%] (CCF-B 类会议,SCI 论文)
    Bibtex - Paper - Slides - DART - DNET

Journal Publications


  • [IEEE TMC] Z. Zhang and L. Yan, "A Dispatching Strategy of Autonomous Robotic Charger Boats for Charging Electric Vessels", Transactions on Mobile Computing, Early Access, 2024. (CCF-A 类期刊,SCI-1 区)
    Bibtex - Paper


  • [IEEE IOT-J] J. Han and L. Yan, "Adaptive Batch Homomorphic Encryption for Joint Federated Learning in Cross-Device Scenarios", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Early Access, 2023. (SCI-1 区)
    Bibtex - Paper - Demo code


  • [IEEE TMC] L. Yan, H. Shen, L. Kang, J. Zhao, Z. Zhang and C. Xu, "MobiCharger: Optimal Scheduling for Cooperative EV-to-EV Dynamic Wireless Charging", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Early Access, 2022. (CCF-A 类期刊,SCI-1 区)
    Bibtex - Paper - Demo code

  • [IEEE IOT-J] L. Yan, H. Shen, L. Kang, J. Zhao, Z. Zhang and C. Xu, "CD-Guide: A Dispatching and Charging Approach for Electric Taxicabs", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Early Access, 2022. (SCI-1 区)
    Bibtex - Paper


  • [IEEE IOT-J] L. Yan, H. Shen, J. Zhao, C. Xu, F. Luo, C. Qiu, Z. Zhang and S. Mahmud, "CatCharger: Deploying In-motion Wireless Chargers in a Metropolitan Road Network via Categorization and Clustering of Vehicle Traffic", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(12): 9525-9541, 2021. (SCI-1 区)
    Bibtex - Paper


  • [ACM TCPS] L. Yan and H. Shen, "Utilizing Game Theory to Optimize In-motion Wireless Charging Service Efficiency for Electric Vehicles", ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, 5(2): 19, 2021.
    Bibtex - Paper


  • [ACM TCPS] L. Yan and H. Shen, "TOP: Optimizing Vehicle Driving Speed with Vehicle Trajectories for Travel Time Minimization and Road Congestion Avoidance", ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems, 4(2): 17, 2019.
    Bibtex - Paper

  • [IEEE TMC] L. Yan, H. Shen, K. Chen and G. Liu, "MobileCopy: Improving Data Availability and File Search Efficiency in Delay Tolerant Networks against Correlated Node Failure", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 20(1): 188-203, 2019. (CCF-A 类期刊,SCI-1 区)
    Bibtex - Paper


  • [IEEE/ACM ToN] L. Yan, H. Shen and K. Chen, "MobiT: Distributed and Congestion-Resilient Trajectory Based Routing for Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 26(3): 1078-1091, 2018. (CCF-A 类期刊,SCI-1 区)
    Bibtex - Paper


  • [IEEE/ACM ToN] L. Yan, H. Shen and K. Chen, "TSearch: Target-Oriented Low-Delay Node Searching in DTNs with Social Network Properties", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 24(6): 3841-3855, 2016. (CCF-A 类期刊,SCI-1 区)
    Bibtex - Paper

  • [IEEE TITS] C. Dey*, L. Yan*, X. Wang*, Y. Wang, H. Shen, M. Chowdhury, L. Yu, C. Qiu and V. Soundararaj, "A Review of Communication, Driver Characteristics and Controls Aspects of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC)", IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17(2): 491-509, 2016. ("George N. Saridis Best Transactions Paper Award") (全球前 1%ESI 高被引论文,CCF-B 类期刊,SCI-1 区)
    Bibtex - Paper

  • [IEEE TPDS] K. Chen, H. Shen and L. Yan, "Efficient File Search in Delay Tolerant Networks with Social Content and Contact Awareness", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 27(7): 1982-1995, 2016. (CCF-A 类期刊,SCI-1 区)
    Bibtex - Paper

  • [IEEE TMC] K. Chen, H. Shen and L. Yan, "DSearching: Using Floating Mobility Information for Distributed Node Searching in DTNs", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 15(1): 121-136, 2016. (CCF-A 类期刊,SCI-1 区)
    Bibtex - Paper


  • [IEEE TPDS] K. Chen, H. Shen and L. Yan, "Multicent: A Multifunctional Incentive Scheme Adaptive to Diverse Performance Objectives for DTN Routing", IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 26(6): 1643-1653, 2015. (CCF-A 类期刊,SCI-1 区)
    Bibtex - Paper